
Ankur Mandal

Top 10 AWS Monitoring Tools in 2024


Ankur Mandal

5 min read

Monitoring your AWS infrastructure can be complex, often leading to performance issues and security vulnerabilities. The frustration of managing these challenges without the right tools can hinder your business operations. Enters AWS monitoring tools, offering comprehensive solutions with real-time analytics, automated alerting, and detailed reporting.

Efficiently managing and monitoring your AWS infrastructure can significantly improve your cloud operations. Whether you're an experienced cloud professional or just beginning your journey, having the right AWS monitoring tools is essential for maintaining a healthy AWS environment.

In this blog, we will introduce why you need to monitor AWS cloud services, alongwith the top 10 AWS monitoring tools, each designed to simplify your cloud management and boost your confidence in handling your AWS infrastructure. Let’s dive in and discover the ideal tool for you!

Why Monitor AWS Cloud Services?

The main reason for AWS cloud monitoring is to ensure that all your applications function as intended and your infrastructure is reliable and stable. Monitoring AWS resources is essential for several critical reasons:

  • Performance Optimization: Monitoring allows you to track performance metrics in real-time, such as CPU utilization, memory usage, and network throughput. This helps identify bottlenecks and optimize configurations for better application performance and user experience. For instance, with the aid of AWS Trusted Advisor, you can run your cloud business at scale, optimize performance, and reduce cost.  
  • Operational Insights: Monitoring generates valuable operational insights into resource utilization, application performance, and user behavior. For instance, you can use EC2 Dashboard for the Amazon EC2 virtual machine service. This dashboard can be used to keep an eye on and maintain your infrastructure and EC2 instances. It allows you to examine and control health statuses, performance data, and instance states; all crucial for optimum operations.
  • Enhanced Security: Continuous monitoring is vital for ensuring the security of your AWS environment. It helps detect and respond to security incidents like unauthorized access attempts, malware infections, or data breaches. Tools like AWS GuardDuty offer threat detection and actionable insights to strengthen your security posture.
  • Cost Optimization: Monitoring helps optimize AWS costs by identifying underutilized resources and opportunities for cost savings. Utilizing services like AWS Cost Explorer provides detailed insights into spending patterns, enabling cost-effective resource allocation and budget management. 
  • Scalability and Capacity Planning: Monitoring historical data allows for better forecasting of resource demands. This capability supports effective capacity planning and ensures AWS environments can scale to meet growing business needs. You can set custom budgets to trigger alerts when usage exceeds than forecasted capacity with AWS Budgets

Monitoring AWS cloud services not only enhances operational efficiency and reliability but also strengthens security and optimizes costs, making it indispensable for businesses relying on AWS for their cloud infrastructure. Considering that, we have listed some of the top AWS monitoring tools, to help you choose the one that fits your needs the best. 

Best AWS Monitoring Tools

As discussed, monitoring is essential to any organization's continuous supply pipeline. Although monitoring and logging are essential services offered by Amazon Web Services. You may depend on third-party platforms for application-specific business requirements such as automation, comprehensive logs, and notifications. 

That’s why we have categorized this section into two, one is best native AWS monitoring tools and third-party AWS monitoring tools. Let’s explore various options under both categories. 

Native AWS Monitoring Tools

AWS provides these tools for monitoring and managing resources within the AWS cloud environment. Here are the primary native AWS monitoring tools:

1. AWS CloudWatch 

When considering AWS monitoring tools, AWS CloudWatch is a foundational choice for its robust capabilities in monitoring and managing AWS resources effectively. CloudWatch offers comprehensive visibility into your cloud infrastructure, allowing you to monitor metrics, logs, and events from a centralized platform. This service is essential for optimizing resource utilization, improving application performance, and maintaining operational efficiency in AWS environments.

With features like customizable dashboards, automated alerts, and seamless integration with other AWS services, CloudWatch empowers you to proactively manage and optimize your cloud resources, ensuring scalability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness. Whether you're monitoring a small-scale application or a complex enterprise architecture, AWS CloudWatch provides the services and insights necessary to streamline operations and enhance overall performance in the cloud.

Key Features

  • Metrics Monitoring: AWS CloudWatch provides detailed insights into AWS service metrics such as CPU utilization, network traffic, and storage usage. This real-time monitoring capability allows you to promptly identify performance bottlenecks and optimize resource allocation.
  • Logs Monitoring and Analysis: CloudWatch Logs centralizes logs from various AWS services and applications, offering real-time analysis and troubleshooting capabilities. You can quickly search, filter, and analyze log data to detect anomalies and improve operational efficiency.
  • Automated Actions with CloudWatch Events: CloudWatch Events allows you to automate operational tasks based on predefined events from AWS services or custom applications. By creating rules and actions, you can streamline workflows, respond swiftly to changes, and reduce manual intervention, enhancing overall efficiency.

AWS CloudWatch’s comprehensive monitoring and automation capabilities make it an ideal choice for businesses looking to optimize performance, ensure reliability, and achieve cost-efficiency in their AWS cloud environments.

Customer Rating 

  • G2 - 4.3/5

2. AWS Config  

When selecting AWS monitoring solutions, AWS Config stands out as a critical service for maintaining configuration compliance and enhancing security within your AWS environment. AWS Config continuously monitors and records configurations of AWS resources, providing a detailed inventory and history of changes. This capability is essential for ensuring adherence to regulatory standards, improving governance, and simplifying audit processes. By leveraging AWS Config, organizations gain visibility into resource relationships, assess configuration drift, and enforce policies to mitigate risks effectively.

Key Features

  • Configuration History: AWS Config captures and maintains a detailed history of configuration changes to AWS resources. You can track modifications over time, view the state of resources at any point, and identify unauthorized changes for prompt remediation.
  • Resource Relationships: AWS Config maps relationships between AWS resources, enabling you to visualize dependencies and understand the impact of changes across your infrastructure. This helps in making informed decisions and ensuring consistent resource management.
  • Compliance Checks: AWS Config evaluates resource configurations against predefined rules and industry standards. It provides automated compliance checks, generates compliance reports, and alerts you to deviations from best practices, ensuring continuous adherence to security and operational policies.
  • Change Notifications: AWS Config delivers real-time notifications and alerts for configuration changes. You can set up rules to trigger notifications based on specific events, facilitating proactive monitoring and rapid response to security incidents or operational anomalies.

AWS Config empowers organizations to maintain a secure and compliant AWS environment through continuous monitoring, automated compliance checks, and actionable insights into resource configurations. By leveraging its capabilities, businesses can mitigate risks, improve operational efficiency, and maintain governance across their cloud infrastructure effectively.

Customer Rating 

  • G2 - 4.4/5

3. AWS Inspector

AWS Inspector emerges as one of the specialized AWS monitoring tools designed to enhance the security and compliance of your AWS applications. AWS Inspector automates security assessments by analyzing the behavior of AWS resources and applications for vulnerabilities and deviations from best practices. 

This proactive approach helps identify potential security issues early, enabling timely remediation and ensuring the integrity of your cloud environment. By leveraging AWS Inspector, organizations can strengthen their security posture, meet regulatory requirements, and maintain the trust of their customers and stakeholders.

Key Features

  • Security Assessments: AWS Inspector conducts automated security assessments of AWS resources and applications. It identifies security vulnerabilities, deviations from security best practices, and potential exposure to common attack vectors, providing actionable insights to enhance your security posture.
  • Rules Packages: AWS Inspector offers pre-built rules packages aligned with industry standards and security best practices. These packages cover various areas such as network security, operating system security, and compliance checks, simplifying the assessment process and ensuring comprehensive security coverage.
  • Targeted Assessments: AWS Inspector allows you to perform targeted assessments by specifying the scope of assessment targets and scheduling assessments based on your requirements. This flexibility enables focused security testing on specific resources or applications without disrupting production environments.
  • Actionable Findings: AWS Inspector generates detailed findings reports that prioritize security issues based on severity levels. It provides remediation recommendations and actionable steps to address identified vulnerabilities, empowering security teams to efficiently manage and mitigate risks.

AWS Inspector is a valuable tool for organizations looking to proactively identify and mitigate security risks within their AWS environments. By automating security assessments and providing actionable insights, AWS Inspector helps enhance security, maintain compliance, and ensure the resilience of cloud applications and infrastructure.

Customer Rating 

  • G2 - 4.3/5

4. AWS CloudTrail

Among AWS monitoring solutions, AWS CloudTrail is indispensable for auditing, compliance, and governance within your AWS environment. CloudTrail provides a comprehensive event history of your AWS account activity, including actions taken through the AWS Management Console, AWS SDKs, command-line tools, and other AWS services. 

This detailed visibility enables you to track user activity, investigate security incidents, and ensure accountability across your cloud infrastructure. By leveraging CloudTrail, organizations can enhance security monitoring, streamline auditing processes, and maintain regulatory compliance seamlessly.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Logging: AWS CloudTrail captures and logs API calls and related events across AWS services. It provides a detailed history of actions taken by users, roles, or AWS services, facilitating forensic analysis and compliance auditing.
  • Event History: CloudTrail maintains an event history for up to 90 days by default, with optional extended storage. You can retrieve and review historical event logs to investigate security incidents, troubleshoot operational issues, and analyze resource changes over time.
  • Integration with AWS Services: CloudTrail integrates seamlessly with other AWS services, allowing you to monitor activity across multiple accounts and regions from a centralized location. It supports multi-region logging and delivers consolidated logs for streamlined management and analysis.
  • Security Analysis and Compliance: AWS CloudTrail enables security analysis by detecting unusual API activity patterns and unauthorized actions. It supports compliance initiatives by providing audit trails, generating compliance reports, and assisting in meeting regulatory requirements.

AWS CloudTrail empowers organizations to maintain visibility and control over their AWS infrastructure through comprehensive logging, real-time monitoring, and actionable insights into account activity. By leveraging CloudTrail's capabilities, businesses can strengthen security postures, simplify auditing processes, and ensure governance across their cloud environments effectively.

Customer Rating 

  • G2 - 4.4/5

5. AWS X-Ray

When exploring AWS monitoring tools, AWS X-Ray stands out as a powerful service for understanding and optimizing the performance of your applications. AWS X-Ray helps you analyze and debug distributed applications, making it easier to identify performance bottlenecks, troubleshoot errors, and improve overall application reliability. By providing end-to-end visibility into requests as they travel through your application, AWS X-Ray enables you to pinpoint issues and optimize performance to deliver a seamless user experience.

Key Features

  • End-to-End Tracing: AWS X-Ray provides end-to-end tracing of requests across AWS services and distributed applications. It captures detailed information about each request's path, including latency statistics, error rates, and dependencies, to help you visualize and understand application performance.
  • Service Map: X-Ray generates a dynamic service map that visualizes the components and dependencies of your application architecture. This map helps you identify bottlenecks, optimize resource utilization, and prioritize performance improvements based on real-time data.
  • Performance Insights: X-Ray offers performance insights by aggregating traces and providing actionable analytics. It highlights performance trends, anomalies, and areas for optimization, empowering teams to make data-driven decisions to enhance application performance.

AWS X-Ray is essential for organizations looking to optimize application performance, enhance user experience, and accelerate troubleshooting in distributed environments. By leveraging X-Ray's capabilities, businesses can streamline operations, reduce latency, and deliver reliable and scalable applications on AWS effectively.

Customer Rating 

  • G2 - 4.1/5

Best Third-party AWS Monitoring Tools

Several third-party AWS monitoring tools stand out for their comprehensive features and capabilities tailored to enhance visibility, performance, and security in AWS environments. Here are some of the considerable third-party AWS monitoring solutions:

6. Lucidity

Lucidity is a leading cloud monitoring tool designed to help teams efficiently monitor and optimize their block storage. By automating the monitoring and optimization of block storage, Lucidity enables organizations to reduce costs without compromising reliability or performance.

Lucidity offers two core products: Storage Audit and Block Storage Auto-Scaler. These solutions integrate seamlessly with your cloud infrastructure, allowing businesses to monitor their resources without experiencing downtime.

In contrast to manual operations, which can be laborious, time-consuming, and prone to downtime, Lucidity’s NoOps solution eliminates these challenges and significantly enhances cloud workload automation.

In the pursuit of AWS monitoring, handling EBS volumes necessitates manual resource provisioning, which can be laborious and prone to errors. Teams spend much time and energy without automated tools on standard operations like snapshot maintenance, resizing, and provisioning.

Challenges with Manual Operations

Managing and optimizing EBS volumes in AWS traditionally involves laborious manual provisioning, which is often error-prone and time-consuming. Tasks such as snapshot maintenance, resizing, and provisioning can be particularly cumbersome without automated tools.

Effective management of EBS faces several challenges, including cost wastage, risk of downtime, and manual block storage management. For instance, a detailed examination of Amazon Web Services' cost structure revealed that Elastic Block Store (EBS) accounts for 15% of an organization's cloud spending, with an average disk utilization rate of just 25%.

Organizations often incur high cloud costs due to unutilized services needed to maintain sufficient storage capacity without compromising performance. Additionally, downtime may occur roughly once every quarter, leading to reduced productivity, financial losses, and potential reputational damage.

The complexity is further compounded by AWS's lack of support for live shrinking of storage resources, necessitating reductions during idle periods. This highlights the need for an automated solution to optimize AWS costs, facilitating seamless expansion and shrinkage of EBS volumes. Lucidity’s EBS Auto-Scaler addresses this need.

Lucidity’s EBS Auto-Scaler

The Lucidity Block Storage Auto-Scaler is an advanced storage orchestration solution available for quick deployment from the AWS Marketplace. This technology dynamically adjusts storage capacity with exceptional efficiency to meet changing demands.

With the Lucidity Block Storage Auto-Scaler, you can automate and optimize your storage infrastructure, resulting in smoother operations, increased efficiency, and significant cost savings. This scaling process follows the audit stage, where Lucidity’s Storage Audit assesses all available storage and provides valuable insights into cost-saving opportunities

Lucidity’s storage audit thoroughly examines disk health, offering a detailed breakdown of current disk costs. It highlights idle, underutilized, or overused resources, helping you understand spending patterns and identify opportunities to reduce storage costs by up to 70% through optimization of idle volumes or deactivation of unused resources.

Once the storage audit is complete, you can integrate Lucidity with your existing AWS infrastructure in approximately 15 minutes for ongoing resource monitoring and optimization.

Further, Lucidity’s auto-scaler offers various benefits after evaluating idle or overprovisioned resources: 

  • Automated Scaling: Offers automatic shrinking and expansion of resources based on demand.
  • Cost Savings: Enables up to 70% savings on block storage costs through automated monitoring and adjustment.
  • Performance: Ensures smooth and timely resource adjustments to prevent downtime and maintain continuous performance.

Interested in automating your storage monitoring and optimization? Schedule a demo with Lucidity to see how automation can help you reduce hidden cloud costs.

7. Zabbix

Zabbix, being one of the notable AWS monitoring tools, is a robust open-source monitoring solution known for its versatility and scalability in monitoring various IT infrastructures, including cloud environments like AWS. It offers comprehensive monitoring capabilities, proactive alerting, and visualization tools to ensure optimal performance and reliability of your IT infrastructure. 

Zabbix's flexibility in monitoring diverse metrics and its ability to integrate with AWS services make it a preferred choice for organizations seeking a customizable and cost-effective monitoring solution.

Key Features

  • Flexible Monitoring: Zabbix supports monitoring of a wide range of metrics, including CPU utilization, network performance, and application health across AWS instances and services. It allows for flexible configuration and customization to meet specific monitoring requirements.
  • Real-time Alerting: Zabbix provides real-time alerting based on predefined thresholds and conditions. It notifies administrators promptly via various channels (email, SMS, etc.) when performance metrics deviate from acceptable levels, enabling proactive issue resolution.
  • Graphs and Reports: Zabbix offers customizable graphs and reports to visualize performance trends and metrics over time. It provides historical data analysis and trend forecasting, aiding in capacity planning and infrastructure optimization.
  • Auto-discovery and Auto-registration: Zabbix features auto-discovery capabilities to automatically detect and monitor new AWS resources as they are provisioned. It supports auto-registration of hosts, simplifying the management of monitoring configurations in dynamic environments.

Zabbix's extensive feature set and open-source nature make it a robust choice for organizations looking to monitor their AWS infrastructure efficiently. By leveraging Zabbix, businesses can ensure continuous visibility into performance metrics, proactive management of resources, and timely resolution of issues to maintain optimal operational efficiency on AWS.

Customer Rating 

  • G2 - 4.3/5

8. Dynatrace 

Among AWS monitoring tools, Dynatrace is a leading AI-powered observability platform designed to monitor and optimize the performance of complex cloud environments, including AWS. It provides automatic and intelligent observability into the full stack of your applications, infrastructure, and user experience. 

Dynatrace leverages artificial intelligence (AI) and automation to deliver precise insights, enabling organizations to detect and resolve performance issues proactively, optimize resource utilization, and ensure exceptional digital experiences for their users.

Key Features

  • AI-Powered Observability: Dynatrace employs AI and machine learning to automatically discover, analyze, and map dependencies across your AWS environment. It provides continuous and real-time insights into application performance, infrastructure health, and user behavior without manual configuration.
  • Full-Stack Monitoring: Dynatrace offers comprehensive monitoring of the entire application stack, from user interactions and application code to backend services and infrastructure components. It correlates metrics, traces, and logs across distributed environments for end-to-end visibility and troubleshooting.
  • Auto-Detection of Anomalies: Dynatrace automatically detects anomalies and deviations from baseline performance metrics. It prioritizes alerts based on business impact and provides root cause analysis to facilitate rapid incident response and resolution.
  • Business Analytics and SLA Management: Dynatrace integrates business analytics with performance monitoring to align IT operations with business objectives. It monitors service-level agreements (SLAs), tracks user satisfaction, and provides insights to optimize application performance and meet business goals.

Dynatrace's advanced capabilities in AI-powered observability make it a preferred choice for organizations seeking to monitor, optimize, and automate their AWS environments. By leveraging Dynatrace, businesses can achieve continuous improvement in application performance, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction on AWS.

Customer Rating 

  • G2 - 4.5/5

9. Datadog

When exploring AWS monitoring tools, Datadog stands out as a robust monitoring and analytics platform that provides comprehensive visibility into the performance of cloud environments, including AWS. It integrates monitoring, alerting, and data visualization capabilities to help organizations monitor their infrastructure, applications, and services effectively. 

Datadog's unified platform supports real-time metrics, logs, and distributed trace analysis, enabling teams to troubleshoot issues, optimize resource usage, and ensure the reliability of their AWS deployments.

Key Features

  • Unified Monitoring: Datadog offers unified monitoring of metrics, logs, and distributed traces across AWS services and hybrid cloud environments. It provides real-time visibility into infrastructure performance, application behavior, and user interactions.
  • Alerting and Notification: Datadog's alerting capabilities allow users to set up alerts based on predefined thresholds and conditions. It supports flexible notification options, including email, SMS, and integrations with collaboration tools like Slack, to ensure timely response to incidents.
  • Dashboards and Visualizations: Datadog provides customizable dashboards and visualizations to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), trends, and anomalies. It offers drag-and-drop widgets and metric graphs to facilitate data exploration and decision-making.
  • Integrations and Automation: Datadog integrates seamlessly with AWS services, third-party applications, and custom integrations through its extensive library of integrations and APIs. It supports automation of workflows, infrastructure provisioning, and alert remediation to streamline operations.

Datadog's comprehensive monitoring and analytics capabilities make it a preferred choice for organizations looking to monitor, optimize, and secure their AWS environments effectively. By leveraging Datadog, businesses can gain actionable insights, improve operational efficiency, and deliver exceptional digital experiences to their users on AWS.

Customer Rating 

  • G2 - 4.3/5

10. SolarWinds

SolarWinds, being one of the notable AWS monitoring tools, provides a suite of IT management solutions, including robust monitoring tools tailored for AWS environments. SolarWinds offers comprehensive monitoring, alerting, and management capabilities to ensure the performance, availability, and security of AWS infrastructure and applications. 

With a focus on simplicity and scalability, SolarWinds empowers organizations to optimize resource utilization, troubleshoot issues efficiently, and maintain operational excellence across their AWS deployments.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Monitoring: SolarWinds provides end-to-end monitoring of AWS resources, applications, and infrastructure components. It offers visibility into performance metrics, network traffic, and storage utilization across distributed environments for proactive management.
  • Alerting and Notification: SolarWinds enables proactive alerting with customizable thresholds and conditions. It supports alert notifications via email, SMS, and integration with collaboration platforms to facilitate timely incident response and resolution.
  • Performance Optimization: SolarWinds includes tools for performance tuning and optimization of AWS resources. It offers recommendations for capacity planning, resource allocation, and cost optimization to improve efficiency and reduce operational expenses.
  • Security and Compliance: SolarWinds helps organizations maintain security and compliance posture within AWS environments. It offers security monitoring, vulnerability assessment, and audit trail capabilities to detect threats, enforce policies, and meet regulatory requirements.

SolarWinds' suite of monitoring tools provides IT teams with the visibility and control needed to ensure the reliability and performance of AWS deployments. By leveraging SolarWinds, organizations can enhance operational efficiency, mitigate risks, and deliver superior services to their users on AWS.

Customer Rating 

  • G2 - 4.3/5

Empower Cloud Performance With AWS Monitoring Tools

In conclusion, selecting the right AWS monitoring tools largely depends on your specific needs for visibility, automation, and scalability within your cloud infrastructure. The right tool can significantly impact your ability to maintain optimal performance, ensure security, and streamline operations. To make an informed choice, consider the following factors:

  • Use Case Alignment: Choose tools that address your unique monitoring needs, whether it’s detailed storage monitoring, comprehensive log management, robust security auditing, or strict compliance requirements. Each tool offers different strengths, so align your choice with the specific challenges and objectives of your AWS environment.
  • Integration: Opt for tools that seamlessly integrate with your existing AWS services, applications, and workflows. This ensures that you can centralize monitoring efforts, automate tasks, and gain unified visibility across your cloud infrastructure, which is crucial for effective management and quicker issue resolution.
  • Scalability: Ensure the tool can scale with your organization’s growth and handle increasing data volumes without performance degradation. As your AWS environment expands, the ability to maintain performance and manage larger data sets becomes essential for sustaining operational efficiency and avoiding potential bottlenecks.

By thoughtfully considering these factors, you can select an AWS monitoring tool that not only fits your current requirements but also adapts to your evolving needs. Investing in the right monitoring solution will enhance your ability to proactively manage your AWS resources, optimize performance, and secure your cloud infrastructure, ultimately driving business success and operational excellence.

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