
Ankur Mandal

AWS EC2 Cost Optimization: Essential Tips for Savings


Ankur Mandal

5 min read

Managing costs for AWS EC2 instances can be a significant challenge for organizations, often leading to unexpected budget overruns. As the complexity of cloud environments grows, many businesses find themselves struggling with underutilized resources and inefficient instance types, driving up expenses unnecessarily. 

By leveraging AWS EC2 cost optimization strategies, such as right-sizing instances and using reserved instances, companies can gain control over their spending and maximize their cloud investment. This guide equips you with actionable insights to help you with AWS EC2 cost optimization.     

Introduction To AWS EC2

Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It allows users to launch and manage virtual servers, known as instances, on the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud infrastructure. 

To manage compute-intensive jobs, including yearly or monthly processes or sudden increases in website traffic, you can scale your instances up or down depending on demand, ensuring you only pay for what you use. This elasticity enhances cost efficiency and supports agile development and innovation by allowing you to respond quickly to changing business needs.

Features Of AWS EC2

Here are some of the key features of AWS EC2:

  1. Virtual Machines (Instances): EC2 provides resizable compute capacity in the form of virtual machines (instances). Users can choose from various instance types optimized for different use cases, such as memory-optimized, compute-optimized, and storage-optimized.
  2. Amazon Machine Images: AMIs or Amazon Machine Images are templates that contain the software configuration (OS and application server) required to launch an EC2 instance. You can choose from AWS-provided AMIs or create custom ones, including pre-installed applications and configurations.
  3. Instance Types: You can choose from a pool of suitable instance types. Each instance type has different CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity combinations to suit various workloads.
  4. Amazon EBS (Elastic Block Store) Volumes: EBS provides permanent block-level storage volumes that can be attached to EC2 instances. Based on performance requirements, you can choose different types of EBS volumes (e.g., SSD-backed, HDD-backed).
  5. Instance Store Volumes: Instance store volumes are temporary storage volumes that are attached to the host computer of an EC2 instance. They provide high-performance storage and are ideal for temporary data such as buffers, caches, and scratch data. Data on instance store volumes is lost if the instance stops, terminates, or fails, unlike EBS volumes, which persist independently.
  6. Key Pairs: Key pairs are used to securely access EC2 instances using SSH (for Linux instances) or RDP (for Windows instances). Users create a key pair consisting of a public key that AWS stores and a private key file that the user downloads.
  7. Security Groups: Security groups act as virtual firewalls for EC2 instances that control inbound and outbound traffic at the instance level. Users can define rules in security groups that allow or reject traffic based on protocol, port, and IP address ranges.

These features collectively allow users to configure, deploy, and manage virtual servers in the cloud efficiently. They also ensure security, scalability, and performance optimization based on specific application requirements. 

However, if they are not effectively controlled and optimized, the expenses related to instances and features in EC2 can quickly spiral out of hand. That’s where AWS EC2 cost optimization comes into play. 

Why Is AWS EC2 Cost Optimization Required? 

AWS EC2 cost optimization is crucial for several reasons, including:

  1. For Cost-Efficient Results

One primary reason for optimizing AWS EC2 costs is to ensure cost efficiency for your business. 

How does It help?

By analyzing and fine-tuning your EC2 usage, you can identify opportunities to reduce unnecessary expenses and allocate your resources more effectively. This can lead to significant cost savings in the long run, allowing you to invest your financial resources in other critical areas of your business.

  1. Get Optimized Performance

Cost optimization often goes hand in hand with performance optimization. If you can successfully optimize costs, you will definitely see improvements in performance. 

How It Helps?

It will help you choose the right instance types and configurations. This can improve your applications' performance while maintaining AWS EC2 cost optimization.

  1. Provides Increased Agility

Cost-optimized EC2 environments are more agile and flexible as they work as per demand. 

How It Helps?

Organizations can dynamically scale resources up or down based on demand without incurring unnecessary costs. This enables them to respond quickly to changing business needs and market conditions.

  1. Enhanced Innovations

Reduced costs and improved resource efficiency free up resources that can be reinvested into innovation and development. 

How It Helps?

Teams can focus more on experimenting with new technologies, launching new features, or improving existing services. They can easily focus on these things rather than managing costs or dealing with over-provisioned resources.

  1. Simplify Selection Process

By leveraging AWS EC2 cost optimization, you can simplify the selection of instances as per your business requirements. 

How It Helps?

Using millions of simulations as a basis, AWS offers advice to assist you in selecting the best instance type and right-size computing environment. This can simplify businesses' AWS infrastructure management and reduce operational complexity.

Overall, AWS EC2 cost optimization is essential for financial reasons and enhances operational efficiency. This supports innovation and ensures organizations adapt swiftly to changing business landscapes while maintaining a competitive edge.

Pricing Models For AWS EC2

AWS EC2 offers several pricing models that cater to different use cases and can significantly impact cost optimization strategies. Understanding these pricing models is crucial for effectively managing and optimizing costs in AWS EC2.

Here are the main AWS EC2 pricing models:

1. On-Demand Instances


  • On-demand instances allow you to pay for computing capacity by the hour or second (for some instance types) with no long-term commitments or upfront payments.
  • This model provides flexibility to start and stop instances as needed, and you only pay for the computing capacity that you use.

Use Case

  • On-demand instances are suitable for applications with unpredictable workloads, development and testing environments, and short-term workloads where flexibility is paramount.

2. Reserved Instances (RIs)


  • Reserved Instances offer a significant discount (up to 75% compared to on-demand prices) in exchange for committing to a one-year or three-year term.
  • RIs offer capacity reservation, which guarantees the availability of instances when you need them, even during peak times.

There are two types of RIs:

  • Standard RIs: Provide a fixed-term contract with the option to change availability zones within the same region.
  • Convertible RIs: Offer a flexible instance type change capability, allowing you to change the instance family, operating system, or tenancy.

Use Case

  • Reserved Instances are ideal for steady-state workloads with predictable usage patterns, production environments, and applications that require reserved capacity for a specific period.

3. Spot Instances


  • Spot Instances allow you to bid for unused EC2 capacity, resulting in significant cost savings (up to 90% compared to On-Demand prices).
  • The price of Spot Instances fluctuates based on supply and demand dynamics in the AWS cloud.
  • AWS provides a Spot price history and prediction tool to help you forecast costs and optimize bidding strategies.

Use Case

  • Spot Instances are suitable for fault-tolerant and flexible workloads, batch processing, data analysis, and applications that can tolerate interruptions and handle instance termination.

4. Savings Plans


  • Savings Plans offer savings on EC2 usage (and other AWS services like Lambda and Fargate) in exchange for committing to consistent usage (measured in $/hour) over a one-year or three-year term.
  • They provide flexibility by allowing you to change instance families, sizes, operating systems, or regions to match your changing needs.

Use Case

  • Savings Plans are recommended for customers with stable usage patterns who want to maximize savings across their AWS services, including EC2, without needing capacity reservations.

Choosing the right pricing model depends on your workload characteristics, budget, and flexibility requirements. Many organizations use a combination of these pricing models to optimize costs based on different parts of their infrastructure and application needs.

After choosing the right pricing models for AWS EC2 cost optimization, here is how you can save more on this cost-optimization route.

Strategies for AWS EC2 Cost Optimization

It can be difficult to strike a balance between cost-effectiveness and performance standards. A purely cost-efficient approach could compromise performance. However, substantial savings without sacrificing performance are possible when the appropriate cost-optimization practices are used. 

So, here are some of the best ways to assist you in AWS EC2 cost optimization without compromising performance. 

1. Evaluate Less Utilized EC2 Instances Through Monitoring

Identifying Amazon EC2 instances with low utilization is crucial for optimizing costs in AWS. Here’s a structured approach to identify and reduce costs associated with underutilized EC2 instances:

Monitoring and Analysis To Know Less Used Instances

  • Resource Monitoring With AWS Cost Explorer: Leverage AWS Cost Explorer to get resource optimization reports to know idle or underused EC2 instances. 
  • Instance Status Checks: You can also review instance status checks regularly to identify instances that consistently show low utilization or are idle.

Actions For Right-Sizing EC2 Instances To Reduce Costs

  • Stopping Instances: Use AWS Instance Scheduler or custom scripts to automate the stopping of instances during off-peak hours or periods of low demand. This prevents unnecessary costs from running instances when they are not needed.
  • Right-sizing Instances: Use AWS Operations Conductor to resize the AWS EC2 instances according to the report from Cost Explorer. You can downsize instance types or modify configurations to better match workload requirements and reduce costs.

2. Stop & Pause Amazon RDS & Redshift Instances

Identifying Amazon RDS and Amazon Redshift instances with low utilization is essential for optimizing costs and resource efficiency in AWS. Here’s how you can effectively identify and manage underutilized instances:

RDS Instances

  • Utilization Monitoring: Monitor RDS Idle instances with AWS Trusted Advisor that have not been connected for the last seven days. 
  • Stopping Instances: Consider stopping RDS instances for development or testing environments during non-business hours to reduce costs. You can stop these DB instances automatically with some easy steps

Note that stopping an RDS instance deletes the instance's backup retention period and automated backups.

Redshift Instances

3. Reduce Costs With Amazon EC2 Spot Instances For Spare Tasks

Leverage Spot Instances to access spare EC2 capacity at significantly lower prices (often up to 90% less than On-demand prices). Spot Instances are ideal for fault-tolerant, flexible applications that can handle interruptions. You can integrate Spot Instances alongside On-demand and Reserved Instances for cost-effective scaling and workload management.

Where Can You Apply Amazon EC2 Spot Instances?

  • Big Data and Analytics: Running large-scale data processing tasks, such as data analytics, ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) jobs, and log processing, which can benefit from scalable compute capacity at lower costs.
  • CI/CD Workloads: Running continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines, where workload spikes can be handled efficiently with Spot Instances during build and test phases.
  • Containerized Applications: Running containerized applications using Amazon ECS or Kubernetes on EC2 Spot Instances, leveraging Kubernetes Spot Instance termination handler or Amazon ECS capacity providers for seamless integration and management.

How Amazon EC2 Spot Instances Helps In Cost Savings?

  • You can save up to 90% of the cost typically associated with On-Demand instances, enabling them to run more compute-intensive workloads for the same budget.
  • Spot Instances can be used alongside On-Demand and Reserved Instances to meet varying workload demands. They allow for dynamic application scaling, enabling customers to quickly add or reduce compute capacity based on traffic spikes or fluctuations.
  • Spot Instances are ideal for fault-tolerant applications that can handle interruptions. They are designed to be stateless or can quickly recover from instance termination, resulting in AWS EC2 cost optimization. 

In summary, Amazon EC2 Spot Instances provide a cost-effective option for running fault-tolerant, flexible workloads at scale. You can leverage Spot Instances alongside other purchasing models and implement best practices for availability and cost management. Thus, you can achieve significant cost savings while maintaining high performance during AWS EC2 cost optimization.

4. Do a Thorough Evaluation To Adjust EC2 Auto Scaling Groups Configuration

Adjust auto-scaling policies to scale EC2 capacity in response to changing demand. You can configure scaling policies to optimize instance counts and types dynamically. This will ensure sufficient capacity during peak periods and reduce costs during troughs.

To review and modify your EC2 Auto Scaling Groups configuration, you can start by analyzing your historical usage data to identify patterns or trends. By understanding your peak usage periods, you can adjust your Auto Scaling Groups configuration to scale out during high-demand times and scale in during low-demand periods. This can help you optimize your EC2 costs based on your actual workload.

How Can You Save Costs With EC2 Auto Scaling Groups?

  • You can set up scaling policies based on metrics such as CPU utilization or network traffic.
  • You can utilize predictive scaling to anticipate changes in EC2 fleet demand.
  • Review and adjust your Auto Scaling Groups configuration based on your current usage patterns. 

By following these best practices, you can ensure that you only pay for the resources you need. All this can help you effectively do AWS EC2 cost optimization.

5. Leverage Autoscaling To Analyze Amazon DynamoDB Consumption

Analyzing DynamoDB usage and reducing costs through autoscaling or on-demand provisioning. It involves strategic management of provisioned read and write capacity units (RCUs/WCUs) based on actual workload demands. Here’s a brief overview of how each approach contributes to cost reduction:

Analyzing DynamoDB Usage

1. Monitoring Workload Patterns

  • Use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor the consumption of RCUs and WCUs over time.
  • Identify peak usage periods and average throughput requirements to understand workload patterns.

2. Identifying Over-Provisioning

  • Evaluate if provisioned RCUs and WCUs exceed actual usage.
  • Look for tables or indexes where capacity is consistently underutilized, indicating potential for cost savings.

Leveraging Autoscaling To Reduce Costs

  • Dynamic Adjustment: Autoscaling adjusts provisioned capacity up or down based on real-time usage metrics.
  • Cost Efficiency: Ensures DynamoDB tables have enough throughput capacity to handle peak loads without over-provisioning during quieter periods.
  • Implementation: Configure autoscaling policies in the AWS application, including auto-scaling to scale capacity based on CloudWatch metrics like ConsumedReadCapacityUnits and ConsumedWriteCapacityUnits.

Implementing On-Demand Provisioning To Optimize Costs

  • Pay-Per-Use Model: On-demand provisioning charges are based on actual read and write requests processed without upfront commitments.
  • Implementation: Switch DynamoDB tables from provisioned capacity mode to on-demand through AWS Management Console or API, adjusting based on observed usage patterns.

In short, organizations can optimize AWS EC2 costs by strategically analyzing DynamoDB usage patterns and leveraging autoscaling or on-demand provisioning. You can also follow these steps to autoscale DynamoDB tables. This approach ensures efficient resource utilization and maintains performance and scalability in AWS environments.

Moreover, for a smooth and advanced auto-scaling process, you can leverage third-party tools like Lucidity to monitor storage utilization metrics continuously. Here is how it helps to achieve this effortlessly. 

Lucidity For AWS EBS Cost Optimization

Traditional cost monitoring techniques can not maximize resources effectively, which could lead to effective underutilization or wastage. As a result, businesses can struggle with over- or under-provisioning, risking higher expenses and worse performance.

Lucidity's auto-scaler and storage audit solutions provide an answer to these problems. Organizations can quickly and easily use the auto-scaler functionality with only three clicks. This allows them to adjust block storage dynamically in real-time based on workload demands. 

Automating the process allows storage resource expansion and shrinkage to be handled easily. This results in optimizing resource allocation and reducing the danger of over- or under-provisioning. Lucidity enables businesses to improve productivity, save expenses, and sustain peak performance during AWS EC2 cost optimization. 

Regardless of how quickly your storage demands change, Lucidity's Block Storage Auto-Scaler is built to adapt storage capacity to provide optimal cost-efficiency and excellent performance levels.

Benefits of Lucidity

Among the many noteworthy advantages that Lucidity provides are:

  • No Downtime: Even during abrupt workload surges or dips, Lucidity's auto-scaler guarantees continuous operation during cloud maintenance or storage optimization. By doing this, latency spikes and downtime are eliminated, guaranteeing that services are always available. 
  • Live Shrinkage and Expansion: DevOps teams can concentrate on high-value work when disk utilization is automatically expanded or shrunk without human interaction. This maximizes productivity and resource allocation without spending time or resources on labor-intensive manual processes.
  • Lowers block storage expenses by up to 70%: Lucidity's auto-scaler feature lowers block storage expenses by up to 70%. Organizations can slash costs significantly by optimizing resource use and removing needless storage fees for underutilized resources. 

Maximize Savings With AWS EC2 Cost Optimization

In conclusion, optimizing the cost of your AWS EC2 instances requires a combination of strategic planning, monitoring, and flexibility. Following the best practices outlined in this guide can effectively reduce your EC2 bill while maintaining optimal performance and scalability. 

Remember to regularly review and adjust your cost optimization strategies to ensure continued savings and efficiency in your cloud environment. 

With continuous monitoring and adaptation to changing business needs, organizations can effectively navigate the complexities of AWS EC2 cost optimization. This allows them to achieve cost efficiency without compromising performance or scalability.

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